The Debilitating Experience of Fatigue Patients know the difference between "normal tired" and "too tired to breathe"

By Jennifer Crystal, MFA

R ecently there was a small fire in my apartment building that necessitated three evacuations between two and five a.m. Needless to say, it was a long night without much sleep. The next day I felt buzzy and glazed over, the same feeling I used to get in college when I stayed up too late writing a paper. I was tired, but normal tired, not sick tired. It’s a difference that Lyme patients recognize all too well, but one that’s hard to distinguish when we talk about fatigue.

Fatigue can mean a lot of things. Muscle soreness after a bike ride. Feeling drained after a long day at work. Droopy eyes, the desire to take a nap, the need for an extra cup of coffee. Even the buzzed feeling I experienced after a night of little sleep. All of these fit into the category of “normal tired.” What makes them normal is the base level of health underlying them. If a person is otherwise healthy, they are able to push through “normal” fatigue because their adrenals are working properly and their bodies are not worn down from fighting infection……. Join or login below to continue reading.

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5 Reader Comments

  1. Thank you for your words! It’s impossible for others to understand, I know! You have described the fatigue I experience as well as anyone can!

  2. I’ve always look for the right words to explain the debilitating fatigue that we experience with lyme. You nailed it. thank you!

  3. Thank you. This has put into words what my wife has tried to explain to me about how she is feeling.

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